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Frequently Asked Questions


Q. To what extent are young people able to go out of the establishment without staff permission?

A. Young people are able to go out of the establishment without staff permission unless in cases where there is a supervision arrangement in place.


Q. Do young people have full control of their own money?

A. Young people have full control of their own money though we help them in terms of budgeting for their finances.


Q. Do young people have control over what they wear and of the resources to buy clothes?

A. Young people have control over what they wear as well as resources to buy clothes.


Q. Do young people make decisions about medical treatment entirely on their own?

A. We support them during medical appointment when needed however the decisions about medical treatment are made entirely on their own.


Q. Does the establishment keep, or have access to, any medical or dental record about young people?

A. Based on prior agreement with their social worker, we may have access to medical record for save keeping if required but young people have complete access to their own records.


Q. Can young people choose to stay away overnight?

A. Based on proper arrangement or permission from their social worker, young people can stay away overnight.


Q. Are young people subject to any sanctions beyond those which adults would normally expect?

A. No


Q. If the establishment accommodates both adults and young people, do those under 18 have any different supervision, support, facilities or restrictions?

A. We do not accommodate both adults and young people in the same premises.


Q. Can young people choose to eat elsewhere than the establishment?

A. Yes


Q. Is any advice or counselling provided by staff entirely voluntary (i.e. can young people decide whether or not to use such a service at the establishment), or is it either a condition of residence or expected that young people will participate?

A. Advice in terms of support are provided entirely voluntarily and young people are able to decide whether or not to follow the advice given even though they are expected to participate.


Q. Does each young person decide when to go to bed?

A. Yes


Q. Are there regular times when young people are on the premises with no direct staff supervision?

A. Yes unless when on 24 hour supervision arrangement is in place.


Q. Do staff spend a higher proportion of their time when in the establishment directly with young people, or elsewhere in the building(s) on call?

A. Yes and staff can also be on call 24/7 on and/or off site.


Q. Do young people take personal responsibility for the decision on their admission to the establishment?

A. Young people are normally referred to us by their social worker


Q. Does the establishment have any responsibility for aftercare once a young person has left?

A. We also provide outreach support once a young person has left.


Q. Do young people have individual tenancy or licence agreement, signed by themselves, and pay directly for their accommodation?

A. Each young person is issued with their licence agreement, signed by them but are paid for by the social services or local authority that placed them with us.


Q. Can individual young people pursue their own leisure activities individually, or are they expected to spend a significant proportion of their leisure time with other residents?

A. Individual young person can pursue their own leisure activities.


Q. Do staff monitor, or have a review system for, a young person’s personal development (outside educational and vocational area)?

A. Staff have a review system for each young person’s personal development and together with the young person monitor the development and pathway plan.


Q. Do young people administer their own medication?

A. Young people administer their own medication


Q. Does the establishment’s available literature offer general care, rather than services young people can choose whether or not to use.

A. We are not a Care home though we offer services to young people on different packages that can be chosen whether or not to use. These include personal development, support with entry to education or employment, money management, housing, health etc.

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